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Centralized Logging & Monitoring

Last Updated on December 4, 2023 by KnownSense

Technical requirements for Central Logging

Centralized Logging & Monitoring


One crucial requirement for our central logging system is scalability. As our microservices architecture scales out to meet performance demands, the logging workload increases accordingly. Therefore, our central logging system must be capable of scaling both in terms of performance and data storage. Cloud-based central logging systems, with their autoscaling capabilities, offer advantages in this regard.

User-Friendly Interface

A crucial aspect of the central logging system is its user interface. This interface serves as a critical tool for engineers and developers tasked with troubleshooting issues within the microservices architecture. Interface provide efficient search and filtering capabilities, enabling users to pinpoint specific log entries and events.. Graphs, charts, and visual aids can make it easier to interpret log data and identify trends or anomalies.

Log Management

Our central logging system should support quick archiving and truncation of logs, not only to optimize storage but also to comply with data policies and regulations. It must have ability to quickly archive older logs to free up storage space while retaining access to historical data for analysis.


Security is paramount. We must employ HTTPS for secure connections to the central logging system. Additionally, mechanisms for client authentication and authorization ensure secure user access and data handling. Censorship functionality is essential to remove sensitive data that shouldn’t be stored. Mechanisms should be in place for client authentication and authorization, allowing controlled access to log data. User permissions should be granular, defining who can access and manipulate logs.

Search and Query Functionality

Efficient search and query functionality within the central logging system enable us to navigate vast amounts of logs swiftly, facilitating issue resolution. Advanced querying capabilities, such as filtering by time, severity, or custom attributes, enhance the precision of log analysis.

Consistency and Structured Logging

Consistency is key. A logging library should be available for all technology stacks, ensuring that microservices generate logs in a consistent, structured format, making analysis easier and allows for easy integration with log aggregation tools.. Using a lightweight data format, such as JSON, minimizes network overhead when transmitting log data between microservices and the central logging system.

Technical requirements for Central Monitoring


Similar to the logging system, the central monitoring system must be scalable to accommodate the increasing number of components and monitoring data as the microservices architecture scales out. Cloud platforms offering auto-scaling for both performance and data storage are advantageous.

Real-Time Monitoring

Real-time monitoring is essential to identify and address issues proactively. Our central monitoring system should provide immediate insights into system performance.

Data Visualization

Effective data visualization is crucial for tracking trends and identifying problems across the system in real time. Visual representations of monitoring data that allow engineers and stakeholders to quickly identify trends and potential problems.

Data Management

To manage data efficiently, the central monitoring system should offer features for archiving and truncating data. The ability to archive or truncate monitoring data when necessary, optimizing storage resources and ensuring compliance with data retention policies.

Alerting Mechanisms

Scheduled alerts and flexible alerting methods are vital. When metrics breach tolerance levels, engineers need prompt alerts to address the problem swiftly. It should support for various alerting methods (e.g., email, SMS, notifications) to reach engineers in the most efficient way possible.

Client Libraries and Templates

Client libraries for microservices and pre-configured templates for virtual machines or containers can streamline the process of sending real-time monitoring data to the central system. Standardization across the architecture can be achieved through architect teams. To streamline the integration of monitoring capabilities into microservices, consider providing client libraries that can be incorporated into microservices’ code and offering templates for virtual machines or containers that come with pre-configured monitoring software. Architect teams can enforce standardization by ensuring the consistent use of client libraries and pre-configured templates across the microservices architecture, automating the deployment of the monitoring system.


In conclusion, central logging and monitoring systems are essential components of a microservices architecture. To meet the technical requirements of these systems, scalability, user-friendly interfaces, log management, security, search functionality, and structured logging are critical for central logging. Meanwhile, central monitoring requires scalability, real-time monitoring, data visualization, data management, alerting mechanisms, and client libraries/templates for seamless integration. Leveraging off-the-shelf or cloud-based solutions with these features, such as Elasticsearch, Kibana, Splunk, and Graphite, can greatly benefit the microservices architecture by ensuring robust logging and monitoring capabilities.

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