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Microservices Fundamentals

Last Updated on September 25, 2023 by KnownSense

In this article, we are going to explore Microservices Fundamentals like what microservices are, what benefits they can bring, the complexities and challenges that they introduce, and what you can do to understand the tradeoffs. There are some other major topics that like managing the quality of microservices architectures, building and running resilient microservices in production, choosing between synchronous and asynchronous communications architectures, and evaluating your organization’s readiness for adopting microservices, which we will cover in our upcoming articles.

What Are Microservices?

Microservices is an architectural style where autonomous, independently deployable services collaborate together to form a broader software application or system. You might even have worked on systems that take this approach without calling it a microservices architecture.

Of course, the name microservices also suggests that these services should be small, but there isn’t an official size limit. Some teams try to keep them extremely small, maybe just a couple of hundred lines of code but many of the benefits of microservices still apply even if they’re a bit larger than that.

But why? Why do we need microservices? Let’s look at some of the problems that microservices are designed to address.

Understanding the Benefit of Microservices

Monoliths VS Microservices
Microservices Fundamentals
AspectMonolithic ArchitectureMicroservices Architecture
CodebaseSingle, large codebaseMultiple, smaller codebases
ModularityTightly coupled componentsLoosely coupled services
ScalabilityHorizontal scaling is limitedIndividual services can scale
Development TeamsSingle development teamMultiple, smaller teams
DeploymentAll-in-one deploymentIndependent service deployment
Technology StackHomogeneous stackDiverse technology stacks
Testing & DebuggingComplex, monolithic testingEasier testing and debugging
Flexibility & AgilityLimited flexibilityEnhanced flexibility
Development SpeedSlower development cyclesFaster development cycles
Fault Tolerance & ResilienceVulnerable to failuresResilient to component failures
MaintenanceComplex updates and fixesSimplified updates and fixes
Resource UtilizationResources may be underutilizedEfficient resource utilization
Rollback & RollforwardChallenging rollbackEasier rollback and rollforward
DevOps AdoptionChallenging DevOps adoptionFacilitates DevOps practices
Continuous IntegrationChallenging CI/CDSimplified CI/CD pipelines
Human Advantages of Microservices

Microservices architecture offers several advantages from a human perspective, benefiting both developers and other stakeholders involved in software development and maintenance. Here are some of the human advantages of using microservices:

  1. Team Autonomy: Microservices enable smaller, cross-functional teams to take ownership of individual services, fostering a sense of autonomy and ownership.
  2. Faster Development: Smaller codebases and independent teams can lead to faster development cycles, enabling quicker time-to-market for new features.
  3. Clear Ownership: Each microservice has a dedicated team responsible for its development and maintenance, which leads to clear ownership and accountability.
  4. Parallel Development: Multiple teams can work concurrently on different services, improving development speed and overall productivity.
  5. Enhanced Collaboration: With well-defined interfaces between microservices, collaboration between teams becomes more streamlined, reducing conflicts and bottlenecks.
  6. Faster Time to Market: Microservices enable quicker development and deployment, helping organizations respond to market demands more rapidly.
  7. Enhanced Learning Opportunities: Developers working with microservices gain exposure to a variety of technologies, programming languages, and architectural concepts which will contribute to the professional growth of developers.
Maintenance Advantages of Microservices

Microservices architecture offers several maintenance advantages, making it easier to manage and maintain software systems over time. Here are some key maintenance benefits of microservices:

  1. Isolated Updates: Microservices can be updated independently, reducing the risk of introducing bugs or breaking the entire application during updates.
  2. Easier Bug Fixing: Identifying and fixing bugs is more straightforward as they are often limited to a single service, making debugging and maintenance more efficient.
  3. Technology Flexibility: You can choose the most suitable technology stack for each microservice, allowing you to adapt to changing technology trends without affecting the entire system.
  4. Simplified Testing: Smaller, well-defined services are easier to test thoroughly, resulting in more reliable software.
  5. Enhanced Versioning: Microservices support different versions of services, allowing for gradual migrations and ensuring backward compatibility.
Resilience Benefits of Microservices

Microservices architecture offers several resilience benefits that enhance the reliability and fault tolerance of software systems. These benefits contribute to the overall robustness of microservices-based applications. Here are some key resilience benefits of microservices:

  1. Fault Isolation: Microservices are isolated from one another, so if one service fails, it doesn’t necessarily impact the entire system. This fault isolation enhances system resilience.
  2. Improved Availability: Microservices can be replicated and distributed across multiple servers or even data centers, increasing availability and reducing the risk of downtime.
  3. Quick Recovery: In case of a service failure, recovery is faster as only the affected service needs attention, minimizing disruptions to the overall system.
  4. Scalability: Microservices allow you to scale individual services independently, which helps in handling traffic spikes and maintaining consistent performance.
  5. Enhanced Disaster Recovery: Since microservices are loosely coupled, it’s easier to implement disaster recovery strategies and ensure business continuity.

Example Microservice Architectures

here are some examples of microservice architectures in brief:

  1. E-commerce Platform: An e-commerce platform can employ microservices for functionalities like product catalog, user authentication, payment processing, and order management. Each of these services operates independently, allowing for easy scaling and maintenance.
  2. Social Media Platform: A social media platform may use microservices to handle user profiles, friend requests, posts, comments, and messaging. This architecture supports rapid development and accommodates fluctuating user loads.
  3. Streaming Service: Services like Netflix or Spotify use microservices for various functions, such as content recommendation, user profiles, streaming, and payment processing. This modular architecture enhances user experience and scalability.
  4. Travel Booking Platform: Travel booking platforms often employ microservices for searching flights, hotels, car rentals, and handling reservations. It enables the platform to integrate with various providers seamlessly.
  5. Financial Services: Banking and fintech applications leverage microservices for services like account management, transaction processing, fraud detection, and customer support. This architecture ensures high availability and security.
  6. IoT (Internet of Things): IoT applications use microservices to manage device registration, data processing, notifications, and device management. Microservices allow handling diverse IoT devices efficiently.

These examples demonstrate how microservices architecture can be adapted to various domains, enhancing flexibility, scalability, and maintainability in complex systems.

The Challenges of Microservices over Monoliths

While microservices architecture offers numerous advantages, it also comes with its set of challenges and complexities, especially when compared to traditional monolithic architectures. Here are some of the challenges associated with microservices:

  1. Increased Complexity: Microservices introduce a higher degree of complexity due to the need to manage and coordinate multiple independent services. This complexity can make the system harder to understand, develop, and maintain.
  2. Distributed Systems: Microservices are inherently distributed, which can introduce challenges related to network communication, latency, and the need for robust inter-service communication mechanisms.
  3. Data Management: Handling data in a microservices architecture can be challenging. Each service may have its database, making data consistency and transactions more complex. Implementing cross-service transactions and managing data across services can be tricky.
  4. Service Discovery: Microservices need a way to discover and communicate with each other dynamically. Implementing service discovery and maintaining an up-to-date registry can be challenging.
  5. Inter-Service Communication: Coordinating communication between microservices requires careful design. APIs, protocols, and message formats must be standardized and maintained. Failure to manage communication effectively can lead to cascading failures.
  6. Testing Complexity: Testing microservices can be more challenging due to the need to test individual services, as well as integration testing to ensure all services work correctly together. End-to-end testing can be complex.
  7. Deployment and Orchestration: Managing the deployment of numerous microservices across different environments, scaling services up and down, and ensuring high availability can be complex. Container orchestration tools like Kubernetes have become essential.
  8. Monitoring and Observability: With numerous services running independently, monitoring, logging, and tracing become crucial for troubleshooting issues and understanding system behavior. Implementing comprehensive observability can be challenging.
  9. Security: Securing microservices involves securing each service individually and managing access control between services. Implementing consistent security practices across services can be challenging.
  10. DevOps Culture: Adopting a DevOps culture, automation, and CI/CD pipelines are critical for managing microservices effectively. Cultural shifts and tooling changes may be required.
  11. Versioning and Compatibility: Managing changes and ensuring backward compatibility between services is essential. API versioning and graceful handling of deprecated APIs can be challenging.
  12. Scalability: While microservices allow for independent scaling of services, determining the right scaling strategy and managing the resources efficiently can be complex.
  13. Resource Overhead: Running multiple services can consume more resources compared to a monolithic application. This can lead to increased infrastructure costs.
  14. Documentation and Communication: Clear documentation and effective communication between development teams are vital to ensure that everyone understands the services’ interfaces, dependencies, and responsibilities.
  15. Developer Expertise: Developing and maintaining microservices may require developers to have expertise in various programming languages, frameworks, and technologies. This can impact the skill set required in the development team.
  16. Initial Development Time: Breaking a monolithic application into microservices may require significant upfront effort and time. The benefits often become more apparent in the long term.


Though the microservices had few challenges, but those are not insurmountable, and many organizations have successfully adopted microservices by addressing these issues. Microservices can provide significant benefits in terms of scalability, flexibility, and resilience, but they also require careful planning, design, and ongoing management to reap these rewards effectively. The decision to adopt microservices should be based on a thorough evaluation of both their advantages and challenges.

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