K8s: Worker Nodes

Last Updated on June 29, 2024 by KnownSense

Kubernetes worker nodes are crucial for running application workloads. They contain three main components: the kubelet, the container runtime, and kube-proxy. Here’s a detailed look at each of these components and their roles within the Kubernetes ecosystem.


The kubelet is the primary Kubernetes agent running on each node within a cluster, including both worker and control plane nodes. It performs several key functions:

  • Node Registration:
    • The kubelet registers its node with the cluster.
    • It adds the node’s resources (CPU, RAM, etc.) to the overall cluster pool, enabling the scheduler to assign workloads intelligently.
  • Pod Management:
    • The kubelet watches the API server for new pods assigned to the node.
    • When it detects a new pod, it retrieves the pod specification and starts the pod.
    • The kubelet maintains a communication channel with the API server to report the status of the pods.
  • Health Monitoring:
    • It checks the health of the pods and their containers.
    • If a container fails, the kubelet can restart it based on the defined pod specifications.
  • Resource Management:
    • It manages the node’s resources and ensures pods have the necessary resources to run.
    • It monitors resource usage (CPU, memory) and reports back to the control plane.

Container Runtime

The container runtime is responsible for managing containers on the node. It handles the low-level operations necessary for running containers, such as:

  • Pulling Image Layers:
    • The container runtime pulls the necessary image layers from container registries.
  • Starting and Stopping Containers:
    • It interacts with the OS kernel to build and start containers.
    • It manages container lifecycle, including stopping and removing containers when they are no longer needed.
  • Common Container Runtimes:
    • containerd: Widely used in modern Kubernetes clusters, it’s a high-level runtime that provides core container capabilities.
    • CRI-O: A lightweight container runtime for Kubernetes that implements the Container Runtime Interface (CRI).
    • Docker: Initially the default container runtime for Kubernetes, now often replaced by containerd or CRI-O.
    • gVisor: Provides enhanced security by isolating container processes from the host kernel.
    • Kata Containers: Offers lightweight virtual machines to provide stronger isolation than traditional containers.


Kube-proxy handles network operations within a Kubernetes cluster. It ensures efficient communication between services and pods by:

  • Pod IP Management:
    • kube-proxy ensures each pod receives an IP address.
    • In multi-container pods, all containers share the pod’s single IP address.
  • Service Load Balancing:
    • kube-proxy provides load balancing across the pods that back a service.
    • It manages the network rules to forward traffic to the appropriate pods.
  • Network Rules:
    • It sets up and maintains network rules on the nodes.
    • These rules allow pods to communicate with each other and with services.
  • Service Types:
    • ClusterIP: Exposes the service on a cluster-internal IP. This is the default and provides internal access within the cluster.
    • NodePort: Exposes the service on each node’s IP at a static port.
    • LoadBalancer: Exposes the service externally using a cloud provider’s load balancer.

Worker Node Workflow

Here’s a simplified workflow of how a worker node operates within a Kubernetes cluster:

  1. Node Registration:
    • kubelet registers the node with the control plane and reports available resources.
  2. Pod Assignment:
    • The scheduler assigns pods to the node based on resource availability and constraints.
  3. Pod Creation:
    • kubelet retrieves pod specifications from the API server.
    • It uses the container runtime to pull necessary container images and start the containers.
  4. Networking:
    • kube-proxy assigns IP addresses to the pods.
    • It sets up network rules for pod communication and service load balancing.
  5. Health Monitoring:
    • kubelet continuously monitors the health of the pods and containers.
    • It restarts containers if they fail and reports status back to the control plane.
  6. Resource Management:
    • kubelet manages resource allocation to ensure pods have the necessary CPU, memory, and other resources.


Worker nodes are the backbone of a Kubernetes cluster, running the actual workloads and managing resources, networking, and container lifecycle. The main components of a worker node—kubelet, container runtime, and kube-proxy—work together to ensure that applications run smoothly and efficiently, abstracting away the complexities of the underlying infrastructure.

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